Hunter Solo: Mimiron Hard Mode (Firefighter)

Caribald/Vandpistol (EU – Tarren Mill) has soloed Mimiron 10 on hard mode (Firefighter): “30 seconds to self-destruction, V-07-TR-0N aka Mimiron’s robot hit the dust. It took me a handful of attempts and was VERY fun. It’s all about maxing dps while minimizing damage taken. Intervene is invaluable in phase 1, bandages throughout the fight, positioning to not have fires in bad places for most of phase 2, add and aggro handling in phase 3 and finally a relatively simple phase 4 makes the fight pretty challenging. I went with full dps gear and flask.”

You can read Vandpistol’s strategy on the Elitist Jerks Hunter Forum, and see more of Vandpistol’s soloing videos on aRRoSC2’s YouTube channel.

See Hunter Soloing, from Classic to Cataclysm: Tips, Guides, Strategies, and Videos for a complete selection of guides to hunter soloing including hunter soloing builds as well as boss-specific strategies and videos for hunters.

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