
Laeleiweyn of World of Lae: 1,5 week after transmogging finally coming I’m totally bored of tier 6. xD So I guess the downside of looking how you want to is that you want to change it all the time. We’re all fashion bitches now…

It’s cool to look like I belong in Burning Crusade, but I also have unfulfilled Robin Hood-, native american-, tracker-, marksman-, Peter Pan-, Willhelm Tell-, Davy Crocket-wishes for my wardrobe. A hunter can have so many looks!

Oh, and I also want to make the ultimate draenei hunter-set. How would they dress on Argus or Draenor? Ok, answer to the last one is probably outland-gear. But still! I feel there’s some cool stuff out there waiting for me to find it! READ MORE

This hunter transmog article is included in the Wow Hunters Hall guide to hunter transmogs: Hunter Transmogrification Guides & Resources.

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