WHU: Explosive Trap & Black Arrow

Frostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: Over on the WoW forums Zeherah has a great post about separating Black Arrow and Explosive Trap so that they aren’t on the same cooldown anymore. It’s definitely worth checking out.

Personally, I think this is a great idea that’s pretty overdue. There isn’t really a compelling reason that they should share the same cooldown, and it’s certainly a pain in the butt on occasion. As long as Arcane Shot will do more single-target damage than Explosive Trap, separating them shouldn’t be an issue.

And I think the big issue that brings this to light right now is the Glyph of Explosive Trap: it’s awesome for PvP, but to really take advantage of it you have to give up Black Arrow. Also, I love Z’s idea of removing the cooldown from Black Arrow (and reducing the damage slightly to compensate) to allow SV to be a multi-dot spec. . . . Read full article

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