WHU: Explosive Shot Buffed

Frostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: As discussed on the podcast this weekend, the latest beta build brought with it a buff to Explosive Shot. This was coupled with a nerf to Black Arrow and Improved Serpent Sting, presumably to keep overall SV dps about the same while Explosive Shot DPS goes up.

This move is no doubt designed to make it very clear that an Explosive Shot rotation is obviously superior — and substantially superior — to an Arcane Shot rotation.


  • Black Arrow damage reduced by 24%. Now has 11.5% AP scaling, down from 15%.
  • Explosive Shot damage and RAP scaling increased by 20%.
  • Improved Serpent Sting now increases the damage of your Serpent Sting by 50%, down from 100%. . . . read full article
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