Ghostcrawler on Cataclysm Post Mortem

Frostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: Blizzard has another Cataclysm Post Mortem article up, this time getting Ghostcrawler’s perspective. And the difference in hearing from Ghostcrawler and their last post mortem is substantial — lots more meaty design philosophy stuff in this one. He talks about their goals for Cataclysm, what went well, and what went poorly. It’s a great look into the philosophy of WoW game design and what kind of thoughts go through the developers’ minds while they’re working on an expansion.

He also makes a few comments here and there addressing some complaints. Here are a handful of highlights from the article:

Ghostcrawler said that one of the big goals for Cataclysm was to revamp the 1-60 experience, to rework the talent trees, and of course to create more endgame content. He then added:

Finally, we wanted to deliver all of this content more aggressively. We know players can only wait so long for something new to do before they start to get bored.  This has been a goal for some time, but it has been a challenging one for us. When you compare the graphic fidelity of a raid like Firelands to an older raid like Molten Core, you can imagine how it takes both more time and more people to make a raid these days. That’s exactly the opposite of what we want to be doing though, which is providing players content at faster rates.

In the category of what worked best in Cataclysm … Read Full Article.

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