Braindeadly: MoP Hunter Macro Guide

Braindeadly at Braindeadly World: Due to popular demand – macros are also below. Let me know if you’d like more videos like this.

I use ESDF to move.

Note: all my macros have 2x stopcasting in except kill command and blink strike as said in video

Pet call macro/ focus web wrap/pet ability:

/cast call pet 2
/cast [@focus] Lullaby
/cast [@focus] bad manner
/cast [@focus] web
/cast [@focus] web wrap

Trap Launcher:

/cast trap launcher

Silencing shot on focus:

/cancelaura deterrence
/cast [@focus, exists] silencing shot; silencing shot

Silencing shot on target:

/cancelaura deterrence
/cast silencing shot

Kill Shot

#showtooltip kill shot
/cancelaura deterrence
/cast kill shot

Scatter Shot

/cancelaura deterrence
/cast scatter shot

Blink Strike/Serpent Sting

#showtooltip Blink Strike
/cast [nomod] Serpent Sting
/cast [mod:shift] Blink Strike

Scare beast mouseover/target if you don’t have a mouseover:

/cast [@mouseover, exists] scare beast; scare beast;

Pet move-to

/click PetActionButton3 LeftButton
/cast dash

RoS macro:

/cast [@player] Roar of sacrifice
/cast [@player] spirit mend

Arena focus Macro

/focus arena1

Arena target macro

/target arena1

Pet Growl:

/cast [target=pettarget, exists] growl; growl;


/cancelaura hand of protection
/cast deterrence


/cast bullheaded

Pet growl on focus:

/petattack [@focus]
/cast [@focus] growl
/cast dash

Delete pet macro:

/script PetAbandon()

Concussive shot on mouseover or target:

/cancelaura deterrence
/cast [target=mouseover, exists] concussive shot; concussive shot;


/cast disengage


/cast !flare

Pet attack focus + blink strike + intimidation:

/petattack [target=focus]
/cast [@focus] blink strike
/cast intimidation

Damage stuff macro:

#showtooltip Malevolent Gladiator’s Badge of Conquest
/use Malevolent Gladiator’s Badge of Conquest
/use 10
/cast call of the wild
/cast blood fury
/cast rabid
/cast rapid fire

Master’s call macro:

/cast [@Flubbaguette] master’s call
/cast [@Eila] master’s call

Aspect of the dragonhawk (3v3):

#showtooltip aspect of the hawk
/cast !aspect of the hawk

Move arena frames out of arena:

/run LoadAddOn(“Blizzard_ArenaUI”)ArenaEnemyF­rames:Show()for i=1,5 do Z=_G[“ArenaEnemyFrame”..i]Z:Show()Z:Enab­leMouse()Z:SetMovable()Z:RegisterForDrag­(“LeftButton”)Z:SetScript(“OnDragStart”,­Z.StartMoving)Z:SetScript(“OnDragStop”,Z­.StopMovingOrSizing)end

Blink strike + growl + intimidation stun focus:

/petattack [target=focus]
/cast [@focus] blink strike
/cast intimidation
/cast growl
/cast dash

Music by Professorkliq – Suburban Breakbeat

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