World First Solos: Atramedes 25 and Razorscale 25

Durendil vs Atramedes 25 (worldfirst)

Durendil: Step 1: find friends for Magmaw

Step 2: bug/kill drake

Step 3: solo the drakeadon pack and both dwarf packs (check earlier videos if you can’t find how)

Step 4: Atramedes 25. So, a long fight. He has 78M hp, so make sure you repair before engaging.

Phase 1 is simply avoiding his breath (made me fail the achievement…), sonic circles and using deterrence for searing flame (use a gong if Deterrence is up too late).

For phase 2, use disengage before the beam spawns, wait for 1rst bomb then FD. Avoid bombs. If your FD fails, run as much as possible and use a gong. Rinse and repeat until dead.


Durendil vs Razorscale 25 (worldfirst)

Durendil: My second solo of Razorscale 25. Same strategy as 10-man: pick up all the adds, dps them and use the harpoons as soon as possible. Then burst boss. Rince and repeat until 50%, if you have some spare time finish the adds before pushing her in phase 2.

In phase 2, start kiting once your pet reaches 5 stacks. You can also FD when she casts flame breath.


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