Explosive Shot in MoP Cannot be Clipped

Frostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: We had a neat little tidbit trickled to us from Ghostcrawler in response to a mage question on DoT behavior. The short version of it is that in Mists of Pandaria our Explosive Shot ticks cannot be clipped, and during Lock and Load we will be able to spam Explosive Shot with no danger of lowering our dps.

In MoP, Explosive Shot ticks are going to work more like how Piercing Shots works: if you apply another Explosive Shot while an existing Explosive Shot DoT is on the target, the game will add an extra tick like it does now, but then it will add the total DoT damage of the new shot to whatever remains of the old shot, and then divide that entire number by 3 (the number of ticks with the one extra added) and that will be the new damage per tick.

Thus no damage is ever lost:  (Total damage of new DoT + Total damage left undone from old dot) / (# of ticks + 1) = damage per tick

Let’s take a look at an example to illustrate. Let’s say for the sake of easy numbers that our Explosive Shot hits for 100 damage, and then ticks every second for the next two seconds for another 100 damage per tick. Thus our numbers look like this: . . . Read full article

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