Legen – Wait for It…

Frostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: One of the big pieces of speculation of Mists of Pandaria is the info on legendaries that Wowhead datamined. From what they’ve found — and this is still speculation at this point — it looks like there will be a legendary gun available in Mists of Pandaria. If true, this is a huge win for hunters and dwarves everywhere. Of course, it also looks like this legendary will be one of the hardest to get a hold of in a long, long time.

Blizzard realized that Dragonwrath was a bit of a disaster: a legendary that was so widely available (and usable by so many classes) seriously screwed dps balance in the game it was so prolific.  They stated that they did not want to make a new legendary as easy to obtain as Dragonwrath. . . . Read full post

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