Scattered Shots: Faster, stronger, and with fewer crows

Frostheim at WoW Insider: Every new expansion is a game developer’s dream. Throughout the course of the expansion, they have to be careful not to make too many changes too fast, something that can quickly become too hard for players to keep up with. As new tiers of content come out, the developers’ list of dream changes build up faster than they can be deployed.

But when a new expansion is in the works, they’re free to unleash the torrent of ideas that built up over the years. They can take the hunter and rebuild it — faster, stronger, and as it turns out, with fewer crows.

The latest Mists of Pandaria beta build brings several buffs for hunters with some raw DPS increases. It also limits the ability of hunters to leverage A Murder of Crows to bring out a bazillion crows at once.

Kill Shot buffed — a lot

The first big buff of the latest patch is a big one, with a massive increase to the punch that Kill Shot will pack. This is a big move to moving Kill Shot back in the direction of actually being, you know, a killing shot. . . . read full article

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