WoW Hunters Hall April Traffic Report

I am studiously gettin’ stuff done this weekend, including the WHH traffic report before half the month is done — it’s almost on time! It was a good month for the WHH, with a crazy high traffic spike in mid-April (the 18th) and generally higher traffic thereafter. I dug down and it looks like that spike is due entirely to the Hunter Transmog Resources page. Hunters clearly love their transmogrification, and I have to admit that Tabana put together an impressively complete compilation of transmogrification resources.

Traffic Overview

In April WoW Hunters Hall had 53,962  visits and 144,705 pageviews, with a total of 30,136  unique visitors. This is a big increase over March, gaining thousands of unique visitors and nearly 50% more pageviews. So more hunters reading the WHH, and reading more of it.

The traffic split between search engines, referring sites, and direct visits is almost identical to March, with again a majority (or plurality technically) of traffic coming from search engines, which is a good thing. We try to always have more of what hunters are looking for.

Referring Sites

The top referring sites (sites with a link to WoW Hunters Hall that people clicked on to get here) breaks down as follows:

The big change in referrers in April was the rise of Elitist Jerks up to 4% of referral traffic. YouTube dropped again, and this may be due in part to YouTube failing to properly grab article descriptions in their “As Seen on WoW Hunters Hall” section. We’ve tried making various changes, and either one of them worked, or YouTube figured itself out and it’s now properly pulling in descriptions.

Maybe what we should really do is create a WHH YouTube channel ourselves and create topical playlists — such as a playlist of raiding strat guides, one for extreme soloing, one for transmog, etc. What do you guys think?


The variations of WoW Hunters Hall that usually account for all the top keywords were mostly pushed down the list in April as other keywords started bringing in higher traffic. I’ve changed the way I’m reporting these slightly — I’m now weeding out suspicious phrases that brought in no new visitors, but instead were the same people searching and clicking repeatedly (often bots). The top non-branded keyword phrases driving traffic were:

  • mists of pandaria release date (seriously guys? Again? Still?)
  • hunter transmog
  • wow hunter
  • hunter gear 4.3
  • best hunter spec
  • elitist jerks

Hottest Hunter Articles

Of the 144,705  pageviews WoW Hunters Hall received in April, 18.29% were the home page. After that the top viewed pages were as follows. Note that while this is interesting data, articles posted early in the month have an advantage, and those posted at the very end have a severe disadvantage (given the amount of time they have to collect views for the month).

The huge winner this month was Tabana’s collection of hunter transmogrification resources, which captured a massive chunk of the WHH traffic!

Regional Stats

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