Quality of PvP Content; Game Awareness and Positive Mindset

Warcraft Hunters Union Site

Tapington at Warcraft Hunters Union: Lately, I’ve been trying to categorize where my guides lie compared to the other websites out there that release similar content, PvP guides/videos etc, especially regarding the quality of content, as well as the time invested in each guide. I enjoy writing and I have fun writing for WHU. The guides I make are designed to appeal all the way from those who are just starting out on their hunter in PvP, to those who have already broken through to duelist. There are many better players out there who could spend their time writing better guides, and there are quite a few that do, but it seems unless you’re willing to pay a monthly subscription for it, there’s very little out there for you to learn from. My guides are written for those who don’t wish to pay an extra $5 on their monthly subscription to WoW, yet still want to improve their hunter PvP game. It’s not written for rank 1′s or Gladiator hunters, but for the majority of players.

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