Beasts of Northrend World First Solo

10/5/11 Durendil has achieved another world first, this time by soloing the Beasts of Northrend:

The Beasts of Northrend require near-perfect execution, with a non-negligible enrage timer, paralytic sprays and… Kobolds!
15 minutes enrage timer. It was an issue in 370 gear. Think about stacking stamina (trinkets, buffs…), you’ll need it. Health potions are nice, and engineering shield is useful too.

PHASE 1: Gormok the pet-reaver
Impale: staking DoT. Hits your pet hard.
Staggering Stomp: don’t stay in melee.
Rising Anger – Increases all damage dealt by 15% (including impale). Applied every time Gormok throws a Snobold.

-Fire bomb: 5K damage, then 4K per second. Ouch. Don’t stand in the fire… But then, the snobold on your head isn’t ok with that.
The snobold on your head: Periodically stuns you for 2 sec, “helping” you to stand in the fire, stop healing your pet, tank Gormok for a while, interrupt your dismiss pet… And lose dps. Also melees you for less than you heal yourself. But no bandages. To dps him, either melee him (1K dps, yeah!) or use your pet with kill command.

You will want 4 tenacity pets with taunt and last stand…

Read the complete strategy at Beasts of Northrend.

See many more soloing videos at DurendilLeHunt’s Youtube channel.

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