Overflowing Focus, the Bad BA Bug, and Juggling

Kheldul at Hunter DPS: My answer is: yes, but I end up doing it now as a marksman hunter.

And I do it much more often now thanks to having the Burning Adrenaline buff active (from 4pc T12).  This can have you completely swimming in focus.  And it has a bug that makes that swim in a lake instead of a pool.

Here’s the issue.  Some shots only register when they land on the target.  The Burning Adrenaline buff is only removed when the shot lands.  If you are far away from the target there is a travel time to the target.  Say you’re a MM hunter.  You have the buff and have 100 focus, fire a “hardcast” Aimed Shot and then immediately a Chimera Shot.  The buff will be consumed and both shots will be free.  … Read Full Article.

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