And the Legendary Goes to… Rogues :(

Frostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: When the 4.3 legendary was first vaguely announced, we knew only that it would have a fairly “narrow audience” which led some to speculate that we’d finally be getting our legendary gun. I didn’t think this was very likely, but I was hopeful that it would still be something that hunters could at least use — like a feral 2-handed weapon that we could also make use of.

An interview with J. Allen Brack (Lead Producer) on the Escapist revealed that the new legendary will in fact be for rogues, meaning it’s probably a dagger. Interestingly the article has since been taken down from the Escapist, indicating that Blizzard may not have been ready for that info to go live yet.

Now, hunters can use daggers, and we tend to share a lot of stats with rogues, so there remains the possibility that this is a weapon we technically can use. But in reality, we won’t be getting it — it’s a rogue weapon. … Read Full Article.

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