The Grumpy Elf: Can Marksmanship Make a Comeback?

The Grumpy Elf: This expansion Marks was where BM was last expansion, you only played it if you wanted to be bad.  Sure, you could be the best hunter ever but you were never going to get anywhere playing a spec that was not capable of doing well when compared to the others.

But with the new addition of glyph of aimed shot, which allows you to cast aimed shot while moving, perhaps marksman can make a return.  One of the largest drawbacks of marksman was the long cast time of aimed shot and it needing to be channeled if you wanted to hard cast it.  Basically this meant that the hardest hitting spell in the marks arsenal was left to being only something you used rarely.

I am not theory crafter but just thinking that you can fire it while moving making me think that we could see a return to competitiveness of marksmen. . . . Read full article

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