The Brew Hall: Patch 5.04 – Expertise

Darkbrew at The Brew Hall: Like all expansions Hunters will experience a myriad of changes when patch 5.04 goes live on August 28, 2012. One of the most significant of these is the addition of Expertise as a secondary stat.

In Mists of Pandaria mobs, bosses and players will be able to go all “Neo” on Hunters and dodge their bullets (for those of that insist on using bows and crossbows, perhaps Loki snatching an arrow out of the air like he did in the Avengers, is a more appropriate image). Regardless, Hunters will have multiple ways to miss in MoP.

Come patch 5.04, Hunters will find themselves in the unfortunate position of needing to be Expertise capped whilst having no expertise available on any of their gear (the ring with Expertise on it is a myth).

Adding insult to injury is the fact that getting Expertise capped does nothing to increase Hunter DPS. It just ensures that Hunters never miss, and they do that just fine now. So, how much Hit and Expertise is required? . . . Read full article