World of Lae: Pet Utility Table

Laeleiweyn at World of Lae has compiled a handy pet utility table:

Buffs Attack Power
Critical Strike
Physical Haste
Spell Haste
Spell Power
Devilsaur (exotic), Wolf, Quilen (exotic), Water Strider (exotic)
Cat, Spirit Beast (exotic)
Hyena, Serpent
The only buff hunters can’t bring
Water Strider (exotic)
Silithid (exotic)
Shale Spider (exotic)
Debuffs Magic Vulnerability
Mortal Wounds
Physical Vulnerability
Slow Casting
Weakened Armor
Weakened Blows
Dragon Hawk, Wind Serpent
Devilsaur (exotic), Hunter
Boar, Ravager, Rhino (exotic), Worm (exotic)
Core Hound (exotic), Fox, Goat, Sporebat
Raptor, Tallstrider
Bear, Carrion Bird
Other abilities Ancient Hysteria
Battle Ress
Water Walking
Core Hound (exotic)
Chimaera (exotic), Worm (exotic)
Quilen (exotic)
Water Strider (exotic)












Interrupts, slows and stuns are not included.

See the original table that also includes snares, slows, stuns, and interrupts at World of Lae.

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