Marks365: MoP Mindset Shift for Hunters

Morynne at Marks365: Cross your arms. Now cross them the other way.  Did you have to think about it? Was it uncomfortable? Most likely it did take some thought, and some intentional adjusting to be able to do it.  Brace yourselves, there will be a mindset shift for pretty much everyone come MoP.


Expertise is the new stat that we’ll need to learn to balance.  What’s its function? Expertise governs the chance that the opponent will dodge or parry attacks made by you.  Basically it’s your proficiency in anticipating your opponent’s move during combat to ensure your attacks land.  This will be balanced alongside Hit rating to make sure you’re doing as much damage as you can.

Hit cap against a boss in MoP will be 7.5% (lowered from the current 8%), and against a same-level mob, it will be 3% (down from the current 5%).  That being said, Expertise in its current status in Cataclysm is not how we’ll see it in MoP — it is going to be most closely like hit, and we’ll be shooting for a certain percentage of Expertise rating.  . . . Read full article

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