Blog Azeroth Shared Topic: Starstruck

Mushan at Mushan, Etc.: I’ve been wanting to write about a Blog Azeroth Shared Topic for a long time – since the days when I used to blog about WoW on a different blog a few years ago, actually.  But, for various reasons, I never did.  However, this week’s Shared Topic is something I’m ready and willing to talk about, particularly as this particular topic both a) resonates with me pretty deeply, and b) comes from friend and fellow blogger, Dragonray at Azerothian Life.

Dragonray’s suggestion, from Blog Azeroth:

Are you starstruck by anyone? Does someone in the community respond to a post or a tweet and get you all speechless because they actually responded? Is there anyone you are waiting to have respond directly to you? Is there someone that you would like to chat to, but are too chicken? Am I the only one who puts other bloggers on a pedestal?

Like I said above, this topic hits home with me.  As a blogger, I have, at this point, a few years of experience with blogging itself, about both WoW and other topics.  However, I am still strictly an amateur blogger, in more than one sense.  Basically, I’m both a non-pro financially and a non-pro with regard to my skill and output.

So, with that being said, here are some things that make my mid-30s, hairy male semi-nerd heart flutter…

I’ve been lucky in ways that I’ve never been lucky before – and by that, I mean with previous WoW- and non-WoW blogs – with Mushan, Etc.  I’m not entirely certain why, but I’ll attempt to map out my great fortune in a way that isn’t too ponderous to read.

For a few years now, I’ve followed the Warcraft Hunters Union and the Hunting Party Podcast pretty religiously.  Occasionally, I’ve commented on Frostheim’s blog as Mushan, and have made half-assed comments in the live chat during the HPP.  Nine of ten people in those chats probably don’t recognize me in there, or know that I have a blog, but Laeleiweyn of World of Lae and the Hunterstalker page (and a diehard WHU fan like myself) was someone who took an interest in my fledgling blog. . . . Read full article

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