How to Hunter Solo SSC: Narrated Videos from Steevnash

In his latest series of narrated videos, Steevnash explains how to solo Serpentshrine Cavern (my favorite raid!) as a hunter.

Steevnash: Series of videos solo’ing the Burning Crusade raid, Serpentshrine Cavern. In case you didn’t play during BC it is located in the center of Zangarmarsh in the Outlands, directly west of the Dark Portal.

Most of the fights are very easy at Cata gear level, but still fun and worth a lot of gold. A full clear will get you around 1500g and some great transmog gear in T5. I would say about 80-90% of the trash can be skipped, but if you’re looking for a little extra gold all of the elites drop at least 1g per + vendor goods.

My Specs:

MM spec –!Ygg!SekdkebQgd!j!ZYWf…

Pet spec (turtle) –!!akahaZhdag!

Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Video for Hydross the Unstable (first boss in SSC):


Follow these links for  Steevnash’s narrated videos of soloing the remaining bosses in SSC:

The artwork at the top of the page is Lady of Ocean: Vashj by Breathing2004

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