WoW Hunters Hall March Traffic Report

We’re halfway through April, and that means that I’m two weeks late on the March traffic report for the WHH — time to jump on that one.

Traffic Overview

In March WoW Hunters Hall had 42,395 visits and 103,844 pageviews, with a total of 22,325  unique visitors. This is an increase of about 4k visits and an increase of over 10k pageviews.

The traffic split between search engines, referring sites, and direct visits is almost identical to February, with again a majority (or plurality technically) of traffic coming from search engines, which is a good thing, though we also saw a slight rise in the number of direct visits to the WHH, which is also a good thing.

Referring Sites

The top referring sites (sites with a link to WoW Hunters Hall that people clicked on to get here) breaks down as follows:

YouTube traffic dropped significantly from the high of over 6% last month, even though just about any video posted on the WHH generates large numbers of video views and results in the “As Seen on WoW Hunters Hall” tag being placed on the YouTube page. At the same time traffic from WoW Insider surged when I posted on Scattered Shots that the WHH was a good source of the latest MoP news. Traffic from Twitter also increased substantially, and the kindly folks at Elitist Jerks have also sent a measurable amount of traffic to the WHH in March.


The variations of WoW Hunters Hall that usually account for all the top keywords were mostly pushed down the list in March as other keywords started bringing in higher traffic. The top non-branded keyword phrases driving traffic were:

  • mists of pandaria release date (seriously guys?)
  • shannox heroic hunters guide
  • hunter 4.3 gear
  • hunter pvp 11
  • hunter solo sunwell
  • best hunter spec
  • wow hunter
  • 4.3 hunter trinkets

Hottest Hunter Articles

Of the 103,844 pageviews WoW Hunters Hall received in March, 24.67% were the home page. After that the top viewed pages were as follows. Note that while this is interesting data, articles posted early in the month have an advantage, and those posted at the very end have a severe disadvantage (given the amount of time they have to collect views for the month).

Regional Stats


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