Call to Arms: Curators!

Attention all hunters reading the WHH: we are looking for more people to curate content! Help contribute to the hunter community by making more information more easily accessible to all hunters.

Curating entails one of two things: you’re recapping discussions from a specific forum every week, or you are making sure a list of hunter gear, rotation, gemming, etc. advice is up to date. As Frostheim iterates,

Another type of curator might be maintaining a page on the WHH that links to all the different leveling guides from different sites, or boss guides, or talent build/rotation guides. Or you could curate a forum and post a weekly recap of discussions in that forum with links to the relevant threads.

In particular, we are looking for curators for these specific posts for recap duties. A stellar example of what we expect from something like this is Tabana’s Elitist Jerks recap. It’s amazing work. Open positions include:

  • MMO-C forum
  • Huntsman’s Lodge forum
  • Petopia forum
  • Arena Junkies forum
  • Wowhead forum
  • Official WoW forums
In addition to forums, we would like curators for maintaining pages of hunter information. A great example of what this might be like is Ocastra’s Bugstalker page. Open positions include:
  • Build guides
  • Boss strategy guides and/or videos
  • Rotation guides
  • Gear guides–for this one in particular, use several guides to create a master list (rather than just linking to them) that is regularly updated. It would be a compilation of other BiS guides, and so could give a couple options for each slot, with discussions about who recommends what.
If you wish to help contribute to the hunter community, here is the place to put in an application post. This is to ensure no two people to do the same position, among other things.
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