Name an In-Game Item After Zeherah!

Warcraft Hunters Union Site

Frostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: 

I do not often ask you guys for anything, and when I do it’s not much. Today I’m asking something of you. If you find this site useful or entertaining, please do this one for me!

Now that the developers are working heavily on patch 4.3, this is the perfect time to push for an in-game item or NPC to be named after Zeherah. They’ll be working on making and naming all of those new items soon.

Zeherah is one of the shining beacons of the hunter community, and is an example of a hunter who works selflessly to contribute to the hunter community as a whole, as well as the improvement of the game itself. Zeherah deserves all of our thanks, and I can think of no better way of showing it than trying to get an in-game item named after her.

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