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Archive for August 21st, 2011
Random Thoughts
Posted on August 21, 2011 | No CommentsBig Red Kitty at Brain Needed Space: On Tuesday, an (insert extremely vulgar and obscenity-laced tirade worthy of Dennis Leary here) BELF hunter stole my Spirit Beast Owl as I... -
Next WHU In-Game Event!
Posted on August 21, 2011 | No CommentsFrostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: It’s official! The next WHU in-game event will be on Friday night, September 16th, starting at 6pm server time (which is 7pm central time). If you’re interested in... -
Soloing Freya
Posted on August 21, 2011 | No CommentsDurendilLeHunt: Freya has been soloed for a hunter world-first. 8/21/11 As you can see, I had luck with the waves – first children followed by a conservator, and second children... -
Exodus vs. Ragnaros 25 Heroic
Posted on August 21, 2011 | No CommentsKripparrian: Exodus vs. Ragnaros 25 Heroic. US 5th Kill. Aug 20, 2011. BM hunter PoV It took a lot out of me and our raiders to finally kill this boss....