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Archive for August 5th, 2011
Hunter’s Guide: Ready for Raiding II
Posted on August 5, 2011 | No CommentsMorynne at Marks-365: With the Molten Front dailies, there’s a set of achievements that can be great big jerks as a hunter if you’re not sure how their mechanics work.... -
Elitist Jerks Weekly Recap 8/5/11
Posted on August 5, 2011 | No CommentsEvery Friday Tabana brings you the latest discussions straight from the Elitist Jerks forums with a recap of what was discussed and links to the full posts so you can... -
Blizzcon Cometh
Posted on August 5, 2011 | 1 CommentFrostheim at Warcraft Hunters Union: BlizzCon is drawing ever close and it’s about time that I started thinking more seriously about Blizzcon plans. This involves some kind of new hunter...